
The Agricultural Informatics System is functional and mandatory. Who introduces the data and who risks to be fined

The National Agricultural Register Informatics System was implemented by The National Agency for Cadastre and Land Registration and was financed by European Funds.

UTI Grup and two other Romanian companies developed the computerised system that automatically collects the data registered at the UATs level within a centralized portal, using an electronic standard format.  This solution allows only secured access to one’s data, according to the access rights, from any location that is connected to Internet. The system includes: agricultural lands, crops (that can be visualized geospatially as well), agricultural means of production and herd populations used to develop the agriculture.

The National Agricultural Register provides the local and central authorities with a modern instrument for the better management and evaluation of the agricultural activities.

Starting with the 1st of January 2018 it is mandatory to introduce and update the data in the system and every mayor’s office will appoint a person that is responsible for gathering the declarations from citizens and companies and for uploading the information to the portal. Every owner can check the information on the website, after registering here:

Those who fail to introduce the data within the National Agricultural Register will be fined according to the law in force.