Business Lines

Online collaboration – LiveStudies

LiveStudies provides face-to-face, synchronous and collaborative communication among remote contributors, from different locations, working as if they were in the same room, using touch screens, interactive whiteboards, tablets or smartphones integrated with multimedia systems.

LiveStudies is a complete solution designed to support business companies in meetings and conference sessions among remote multi-offices companies and governmental institutions. What makes it unique is that it gives full live interactivity in reading, writing and drawing, based on a core set of features specifically designed for online interaction.


  • Collaborate online simultaneously
  • Work together on the same virtual device using a natural interface
  • Reduce cost, save time and experience the human interaction as in face to face meetings
  • Access your saved collaboration session anytime, anywhere


  • Universities and other educational institutions
  • Training companies
  • Tutoring companies for individual tutors
  • Multi-office companies and governmental institutions
  • Conference service providers
  • Individuals


  • Share ideas on the interactive whiteboards, tablets or any other touch devices
  • Read, write, draw, exchange ideas while seeing each other and talking to each other
  • Define and access multi-page virtual devices and dynamically assign areas on each physical device to any page of any virtual device
  • Use fully and naturally customizable writing and editing tools
  • Load, position, resize, and annotate pictures, animations, and movies
  • Use text recognition tools to easily find out more information on the Internet
  • Access your document repository for additional materials and presentation objects
  • Access Internet and drag objects
  • Keep your activity history and repository with save, replay, and edit functions for future review or sharing
  • Repository from your Dropbox and YouTube accounts to access and share any documents, presentation or movies
  • Collaborate upon PowerPoint presentations directly from your repository