UTI is actively attending various research and development projects at national and international level, financing or co-financing the development of new products, solutions and technologies.
This NATO program was initiated to support joint intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance for all the 28 NATO allies and to give commanders a comprehensive picture of the situation on the ground:
It will be made available to the Alliance in the 2017-2018 timeframe.
The system developed within the AGS project will protect ground troops and civilian populations, improve border control and maritime safety, help with the fight against terrorism and enhance crisis management and humanitarian assistance operations in response to natural disasters.
It can be operational in all-weather, persistent, wide-area terrestrial and maritime surveillance in near real-time.
The AGS system is being acquired by 15 Allies (Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Germany, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Norway, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia and the United States) and all the Allies will contribute to the development of the AGS capability.
Starting with 2016, UTI and 10 world wide famous partners will attend an international R&D project that has as main objective the consolidation of maritime borders security by detecting drones. As part of the System for detection of Threat Agents in Maritime Border Environment – SAFESHORE, UTI’s contribution consists of developing audio/video analysis and information security solutions.
The national security is a high priority research objective, as this type of activities will lead to increased security, economical growth and cutting-edge technologies access. Over the last years, the microwave technologies have become very trendy and a reference point in developing systems that detect complex substances.
Following this trend, a consortium formed of: The Institute of Space Science, The National Institute for Laser, Plasma & Radiation Physics, The Optoelectronics Research Center within the University of Politehnica Bucharest and UTI Grup was established in order to create an active, portable, spectroscopic microwave instrument that detects dangerous substances. This innovative product will be unique both at the national and international level thanks to its compact structure, time of reaction and low cost.
The purpose of this project to improve the national security activities by creating a device that detects explosives, chemical and bacteriological substances that are hidden by a person or placed inside objects, such as letters or luggage.
TeraHertz is funded by the Executive Agency for Higher Education, Research, Development and Innovation Funding.
The project was developed by UTI within the National Research and Development Program, the Innovation Section, Product/System/Technology Development Subsection. It was co-funded by the Executive Agency for Higher Education, Research, Development and Innovation Funding.
SMARTER aimed at developing a modular autonomous thermo-vibro-isolating system for critical equipment and products that answer the market’s needs.
Through this project, our company strengthened its capabilities to innovate and conduct experimental R&D activities.
UTI attended this project in partnership with The Polytechnic University of Bucharest and the Image Processing and Analyzing Laboratory, within the National Research and Development Program, the Innovation Section, Product/System/Technology Development Subsection. It was developed in 2013-2015 and was co-funded by the Executive Agency for Higher Education, Research, Development and Innovation Funding.
The objective of the project was to stimulate innovation by supporting the development of new products, that were integrated to function as an intelligent video surveillance system. The system identifies the important events and helps the client react immediately to protect his perimeter or goods.
The product that resulted is KIntelliVision and performs an automatic processing of the video information collected by the cameras. It will be sold on the national and international market and will stimulate innovation on related subjects within our R&D team.