TIU Investments and Management has received the ISO 37001 certification for its anti-corruption management system, which proves the commitment of the company, of its management team, and of all employees in the fight against corruption and corrupt practices. The certification was granted by the international certification body MSECB Canada (formely PECB) after a thorough audit…
The magazine Agenda Constructiilor published an analysis of the construction market in 2020, marked by the COVID 19 pandemic. However, Romania’s construction industry continued to be among the best in Europe. UTI Grup, one of the most important companies operating in this market and providing a full range of specialized solutions and services, is present…
UTI Group of companies celebrates on October 5, 30 years since the beginning of its journey through the Romanian and international economic landscape. Over these 30 years, UTI has demonstrated that it is not only a strong brand, but also a state of mind, a torrent of innovative ideas, courage and passion, a source of…
UTI celebrates 30 years of activity in 2020, the same year it completes the works for Raul Doamnei-Eroilor section of M5 metro line in Bucharest, one of the most important urban transport infrastructure projects in Romania. UTI Grup is part of this project, in a joint venture formed with Astaldi, FCC Construccion and Activ Group Management. UTI…