Collaborative applications


LiveBoard is a complete solution designed to support companies and institutions in meetings and conference sessions among remote multi-offices.

The platform allows for customizations depending on the needs of any company/institution. For instance, a large company will more likely be focused on keeping an archive of all conversation/debates and decisions to be quickly accessed by a newcomer, while a small company could be more interested in creating a stronger team cohesion. Whatever the focus, LiveBoard can be easily put to various uses and brings about numerous benefits.

LiveBoard turns the distance meetings into a natural experience, as in face to face meetings.


  • Share ideas on interactive whiteboards, tablets, computers, mobile phones or any other touch devices
  • Keep the activity history and repository with the save, replay and edit functions for future review or sharing
  • Access your saved collaboration sessions anytime, anywhere due to in cloud availability / storage
  • Define and access multi-page virtual devices and dynamically assign areas on each physical device to any page of any virtual device
  • Integrate touch sensitive devices through a natural interface
  • Organize groups that interact simultaneously on different virtual devices during a session
  • Track the meeting and continue it in a new session while using all of the previous collaborations
  • Assign a moderator who manages the groups and the access rights of each group
  • Access your document repository for additional materials and presentation objects
  • Load, position, resize and annotate pictures, animations, and movies
  • Integrate text recognition with search engines (Google, Wolfram Alpha, Wikipedia)
  • Access Internet to search or to drag and drop pictures
  • Launch external applications and take snapshots


  • Reduce costs, save time and experience the same human interaction as in the face to face business meetings
  • Access to a complete memo of the meeting by keeping the record of the whole meeting, including the notes of each participant
  • The meeting can continue in a new session by extracting, annotating, highlighting or commenting on the previous session topics
  • Use mobile devices and mix traditional business meetings with mobility
  • Team up more easily for distance projects
  • Get immediate feedback from the decision makers
  • Provides clarity to the meetings or work sessions by structuring the information on pages, similar to a flipchart
  • Facilitate distance collaboration
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