This is a management information solution developed for airport use. Our expertise in implementing high-technology systems for the airports in Romania led to the development of a dedicated product that helps to gather data from the main operational subsystems. ICAR offers information on flight schedule, ground traffic, terminal management, records of services consumed by the airlines, allocated resources monitoring, communications support.
Our product can be interfaced with other systems: airport website to provide real-time information about the flight plan, financial – accounting management, news displays regarding flights (delay, aircraft, passenger structure). It can generate flight resources allocation, operating as an automated management system that allows also manual work, if necessary.
- Powerful communication tool based on messages
- Interface with the airport systems
- Automated generation of flight resources allocation
- Flight information and reports
- Ground traffic information and reports
- Terminal management: configuration, status, and allocation of resources based on the implementation of algorithms that accommodate the airport internal procedures
- Facilitation of specific operations performed on the ground traffic
- Taking, validation and processing the SITA messages
- Management of specific service contracts
- Accounting plan management, custom analytical accounting, clients and suppliers accounting
- Customized features for fee management, performed services and signed contract management
- Cash and payment operations management for all airport pay offices
- Record of airline companies cards and of the access cards for business lounges
- Record of stock building and automated consumption generation
- Automated fiscal bills data transfer from the parking lot
- Unpaid invoices tracking
- Efficient management of all the airport resources
- Real-time reports on the services consumed by the airlines
- Synchronization of users’ actions (users connected to the system)
- Refreshed information displayed on any of the IcarOP stations
- Real-time echoing of the operations performed by users
- Improved internal communication by chat
- Reduced costs with communications
- Rapid tracking of unpaid airport invoices
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