
The payment of the Fetești-Cernavoda bridge fee is easier with a solution developed by UTI

The electronic system for the payment of the Feteşti-Cernavodă Danube bridge fee on the highway replaces the barrier stop system.

Thus, starting with April 30 2015, the drivers have the opportunity to opt for the payment of the fee outside the taxation station, in advance or by 00:00 of the following day, by SMS sent to a short number and by paying the fee in the CNADNR authorized partners’ network (gas stations).

The payment issuance, verification, detection and control solution is a first for Romania and is implemented by UTI. In the following period, the solution will be developed in order to allow payment by card, subsequent to the configuration of an account into a web portal, and through the use of a mobile app.

In addition to the expansion of the payment methods, the project entails reconfiguration and expansion of the initial functionalities, developments necessary to the processing of system data (back-office administration, fine control and processing, reporting).

The solution developed by UTI is based on two products of its own, the eTaxRoad and Ectorian IT applications (traffic contravention management app).

The project will be beneficial for the final user by easing traffic and reducing the wait times at the taxation points, and for CNADNR, by streamlining activities, reducing fraud, ensuring a high risk of information security and protection, reduction of administrative costs.