
UTI has implemented the first national Cloud Computing platform

UTI has finalized the Cloud Infrastructure for the Public Institutions in Romania (ICIPRO) for the Informatics Research-Development National Institute in Bucharest and financed through UE Structural Funds within the Increase of Economic Growth Sector Operational Program, Axe III “Information Technology and Communications for the private and public sectors “, Major Intervention Sector 2 “Increase and development of the electronic public services”, Operation  1 “Support of the eGovernment solutions implementation and assurance of the broadband connection “, 5th Appeal.

Project objectives

The ICIPRO aimed to modernize, develop and render efficient all the services provided to the citizens. It also envisaged to increase the transparency of the public institutions’ activities and to facilitate the interoperability of the public electronic services.

To meet the assumed objectives, UTI has implemented the first Cloud Computing platform that allows providing Infrastructure as a Service to the public institutions in Romania.  The platform provides both processing, storing and communications virtual resources, as well as cutting-edge secure and available shared services and facilities that are easily accessible via the Internet.

A portal of public information and a collection of electronic document was also implemented.

The challenges and technological premiers

  • The successful implementation of the first LAN/SAN convergent communications system that implied the implementation of a unique module both for the transfer of the data pertaining to LAN – Local Area Network communications and of the data pertaining to SAN ( Storage Area Network) communications
  • Interoperability among the virtualization solutions within the communications infrastructure (Cisco), the storing infrastructure (HP) and the processing infrastructure (Microsoft)
  • Implementation, configuration and development of applicative modules over the ckan platform, used at governmental level for Open Data project by several UE member states
  • Successful implementation of the first SDN (Software Define Network) system for data centers, that enables the automated provision and integrated operation of the communications services.
  • Implementation of advanced solutions for data traffic control that are specific to Cloud Computing infrastructures (content switching, traffic balancing, web application firewall)

Implementation of a modern, modular and scalable solution for the data center that includes specific subsystems: electric supply, HVAC, video surveillance, access control, fire detection and extinguishing.