The electronic vignette (e-Vignette) represents a time-based road user charge legally in accordance with the Eurovignette directive. While the classic vignette is paper based, the e-Vignette is based on electronic data with no actual document. The heart of the e-vignette is a central online database.
UTI’s e-vignette solution is based on Ectorian, a proprietary product that accommodates the information collected by the cameras with the records in the Police’s driving license database in order to identify the offender and to validate the contravention.
ECTORIAN is a software platform designed and developed by UTI, which aims to accurately track and automatically process road traffic offenses. The system is designed to help the authorities manage, in real time, a large number of offenses. As a result, the discipline in traffic increases and the number of road car accidents diminishes significantly.
ECTORIAN manages the entire life cycle of an offense, from its recording by special detection equipment to the penalty charge payment.